Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Skyscape's MobileDDX for pocket pc

With MobileDDx™ you can choose to explore topics by organ system, symptoms or diseases only, or search across all topics. For example, if you wish to review the causes of a patient's chief complaint, simply select the symptom or sign from the main index. If you have made a diagnosis and wonder what other disorders to consider, select your diagnosis from the list to see its differential diagnoses.

Includes over 1,000 medicine and surgery differential diagnoses derived from the most trusted Current Lange series.

And only with Skyscape, any MobileDDx™ differential diagnoses topic can be quickly and easily cross-indexed to related drug, disease or diagnostic topics across your entire mobile reference library!

Skyscape is more than just a world-class medical information resource. We’re a community in its truest sense. We genuinely want you to receive a worthwhile experience with every visit. One way we ensure this, is when you 'sync' your device— from desktop or wireless— you have the most updated resource information available, including MedAlert’s breaking medical news alerts. Of course, we always deliver this information to you with powerful cross-referencing capabilities so you can quickly access the specialty information you need.



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