Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WildSoft Triangulator for Pocket pc

WildSoft Triangulator v1.0

Requirements: ALL - PPC

Overview: Triangulator for PPC simplifies angle computations. If one has at least 3 values to a triangle, Triangulator computes for PPC the remaining parameters. For example one indicates the parameters for two sides and to an angle, then Triangulator for PPC computes the missing sides, the angles and the height of a triangle.
Triangulator for PPC simplifies angle computations. If one has at least 3 values to a triangle, Triangulator computes for PPC the remaining parameters. For example one indicates the parameters for two sides and to an angle, then Triangulator for PPC computes the missing sides, the angles and the height of a triangle.

Filling out the parameters takes place to assist in the understanding in a diagram.

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework is required tons of run Triangulator for pocket PC. You May down load the Compact Framework service luggage 2 directly from Microsoft. Note: PocketPC 2003 of comes with the Compact Framework, but emergency with service luggage 2. Incoming goods recommend SP2 for best performance.



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